Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tom's Takeover Tuesday - 3/16

Well, this week was pretty uneventful on the geocaching front. I managed to only squeak out one FTF last week, and there were no major milestones to speak of. We did attend our first geocaching event on Saturday though. It was the "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" event in Kirkland. Apparently the host has been doing these events for 5 years in NY, but has recently moved to the area so decided to carry on the tradition in our area. We got a really cool coin from the event with Celtic designs. I didn't take any pictures of it though so you'll just have to believe me that it looks really cool!

I have been making progress on my woodworking project this week though. It would be hard to explain all the work I've been doing, but there has been some cutting, sanding, and dremeling involved! Oh yeah and some woodburning. Today's work was a little impeded after I slammed my pinky in the car door this morning, but I pushed forward anyway!

That's it for this week so here come the pictures, and I'll be back next week!


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